When my oldest kids were little, I had a healthy disdain for Play-Doh. Sure, I’d let them play with it but always on the hardwoods or a tablecloth. The good thing was that even though I hated picking up little pieces of play-doh, it wasn’t hard to do. It always dried up and would easily vacuum.
But as my kids got older, play-doh was out, and slime was in.
I quickly discovered that removing slime from the carpet was NOTHING like removing Play-Doh from the carpet.
If you’re a parent of big kids who like to make or play with slime – you know what I mean. (And if you’re new to slime removal, don’t worry; it always comes off the hardwood and usually comes out of the carpet.)
Here are five ways to get slime out of the carpet.
The Vinegar + Water Method
If you’re dealing with dried up, crusty slime, using vinegar and a soft-bristled brush is the most effective way to remove slime from your carpet.
Mix 2 parts vinegar with 1 part warm water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the slime and allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes. Next, use your soft bristle brush to scrape the slime out of the carpet. Use a Shopvac to vacuum the residue.
(If you don’t have a spray bottle, mix the water and vinegar in a bowl and dab it on the slime stain with a rag.)
Woolite + A Shopvac
Woolite is a laundry detergent specifically for delicate fabrics. It works well on carpet stains, including slime.
You’ll need to mix Woolite with warm water and use a soft-bristled brush to apply the mixture. Brush the Woolite mixture on the carpet, then use your ShopVac to suck up the residue. Repeat until the slime is completely gone.
Dish Soap + Hot Water
Mix one teaspoon of dish soap with one cup of hot water and add to a spray bottle. Spray your slime stain and allow it to soak for 5 minutes. Use a towel or rag to blot the slime. You can also use a butter knife to scrape excess slime out of the carpet.
You may need to repeat this process 2-3 times to remove all the slime.
Ice + Scraping
Ice is an excellent tool for removing fresh slime from the carpet – this is because the ice will freeze the slime and make it easy for you to scrape or pick up.
Apply an ice pack to the carpet (put ice in a baggie if you don’t have an actual ice pack) for 15 minutes. Scrape the slime and vacuum.
Regular Carpet Cleaner + Patience
A regular carpet cleaner such as Resolve can get slime out of the carpet just like any of the other methods. Spray the carpet cleaner solution on the slime, brush in or scrape off excess, and then vacuum.
(Be sure to read the directions of the cleaner you use.)
Get Slime Out of Carpet: What to Know Before You Try Any of These Methods
Before using any of the methods (other than ice), do a test patch on your carpet to ensure no damage or staining. All of these methods may require some scraping and elbow grease. Remember, if there’s a stain on your carpet after removing the slime, you can treat it with stain remover.