If you’re looking for one cleaner that can tackle most surfaces in the bathroom, Pine-Sol is a good choice.
When undiluted Pine-Sol disinfects, making it suitable for germy areas like the sink and toilet bowl. You can dilute it to tackle the base of the toilet, shower, counters, and floor.
Pine-Sol Bathroom Cleaning Cheat Sheet
Here’s a quick rundown of dilution ratios to use Pine-Sol on bathroom surfaces. Read below for more detailed explanations.
- Toilet bowl cleaning: Add ½ cup Pine-Sol to the toilet bowl
- Sink disinfecting: Wipe out the sink and coat it with undiluted Pine-Sol, allow it to sit for ten minutes, rinse
- Floor, countertop, showers, multi-surface cleaning: Mix ¼ cup Pine-Sol with one gallon of water
- Stain treatment (hard surfaces): Put undiluted Pine-Sol on the stain for ten minutes, scrub, and rinse
Top 5 Ways to Clean the Bathroom with Pine-Sol
Mixing Pine-Sol with Water to Make a Multi-Surface Cleaner
To make a multi-surface cleaner, mix ¼ cup of Pine-Sol with one gallon of warm water. Use this solution to clean floors, walls, countertops, and other surfaces in the bathroom. Dip a mop or cloth into the solution and wipe down the surfaces.
There’s no need to rinse Pine-Sol when using it diluted.
Clean Toilets with Pine-Sol
Pour ½ cup of Pine-Sol into the toilet bowl and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Then, scrub with a toilet bowl brush and flush the toilet. For tough stains, repeat the process or let the solution sit overnight.
Disinfect Your Sink with Pine-Sol
Sinks are one of the germiest areas in the home. You can use Pine-Sol to disinfect any hard, non-porous surface. So, as long as your bathroom sink isn’t natural stone, here’s what to do:
- Wipe out toothpaste/gunk with a wet wash rag
- Coat the sink with undiluted Pine Sol and allow it to sit for ten minutes
- Wipe and rinse
Cleaning Your Bathtub and Shower with Pine-Sol
To clean your bathtub and shower, mix ½ cup of Pine-Sol with one gallon of warm water. Use a microfiber cloth or soft-bristled shower brush to clean the surfaces, paying particular attention to areas with soap scum or mildew. If you have problem areas, reapply the cleaner and leave it for a few minutes before scrubbing. Rinse and then dry with a towel.
Using Pine-Sol for Tough Stains
If you’re dealing with tough stains in your bathroom, Pine-Sol can be a lifesaver. You can use it on hard non-porous surfaces like linoleum or ceramic tile floors, countertops, and toilet bowl seats.
- Apply undiluted Pine-Sol to the stain.
- Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
- Scrub the area with a brush or sponge
- Rinse with water.
For stubborn stains, repeat the process a few times.
Can You Put Pine-Sol in the Toilet Tank?
Don’t put Pine-Sol in the toilet tank – it can damage the rubber and plastic components inside. Stick to using Pine-Sol in the toilet bowl only.
What Else to Consider
Avoid these mistakes when cleaning the bathroom with Pine-Sol.
- Never mix Pine-Sol with other cleaning products or bleach, as this can create dangerous fumes.
- Don’t use Pine-Sol on marble countertops. It can etch them, resulting in dull spots.
- Avoid dipping your dirty rag in your Pine-Sol and water bucket. Instead, rinse it in the sink before rewetting it with your cleaning solution.