Have you ever purchased a painted mason jar and wondered if you could do it yourself?
If you have, the answer is absolutely – yes!
I love mason jars—they’re excellent storage for so many different things. Plus, with a little bit of paint, they can double down as cute decor.
If you want to paint a mason jar, you can paint it in any color and with minimal supplies. Here’s how to paint mason jars.
How to Paint Mason Jars: Supplies You’ll Need
Before we get started, here are the supplies you’ll need:
- Mason Jar
- Alcohol + Paper Towel
- Chalk Paint
- Paint Brush
- Sandpaper (optional)
Step 1: Clean Your Jar
Your first step is to clean your jar. A clean jar will allow the paint to adhere properly and prevent any weird spots where dirt may be hiding.
All you need is alcohol and a paper towel. Wipe the jar down and let it dry.
Step 2: Paint
After your jar is clean and dry, it’s time to paint. I recommend chalk paint. I personally use the Rustoleum brand, but there are many options available.
You can find many different color options on Amazon or have a custom color made at your local hardware store.
Chalk paint adheres really well to glass and is easy to work with. You can use any paintbrush for this project. These are my favorite brushes.

To get started lay out a piece of cardboard. Now, start by painting the rim of the jar. Once the rim is painted, flip the jar over and set it on the cardboard (rim facing down.) Now you can paint the remainder of the jar.
Allow the paint to fully dry, and then repeat the process with more layers until you reach the coverage you like. (I normally do 3 coats of paint.)
Step 3: Distress (Optional)
If you like the look of your painted jar as is, you’re done! If you’re going for a distressed look, grab yourself a piece of sandpaper or sanding sponge. Lightly sand over any lettering on the jar and any other place you’d like the glass to peek through.
Remember to sand lightly so that you don’t remove more paint than you intend to.
You Have a Painted Mason Jar
How easy was that? You now have a painted mason jar and can dress it up however you’d like. You can switch out colors for holiday decor or even pack the jar full of a goody and give it as a gift.